
The Disability Resource Center of the New River Valley (DRCNRV) is a non-profit organization led by people with disabilities working toward inclusivity and accessibility in the New River Valley region of Virginia. We provide advocacy, information and referral, transition services, skills training, peer support, and accessibility modifications to people with disabilities and to the community at large.

We are a Center for Independent Living. Centers for Independent Living (CIL) are community-based non-profit organizations that are designed and operated to advocate for the integration and inclusion of people with disabilities into all aspects of society. We assist individuals with disabilities to live as independently as possible. The center also serves the community at large by helping to create an environment that is accessible to all.

NRV DRC is a non-profit community agency, supported in part by a grant from The Commonwealth of Virginia and the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS), the federal government, and through generous individual contributions. Governed by a local Board of Directors of which the majority identify themselves as disabled. NRV DRC serves residents in the counties of Floyd, Montgomery, Pulaski, and Giles and the City of Radford. 

We envision a community that is accepting,  just, inclusive, and empowering for people with all types of disabilities.